Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurial Spirit

An entrepreneurial spirit is one that cannot be held back. It is creative- and the entrepreneurial spirit requires freedom to thrive. This mindset is built on self-determination (independence), creativity and passion. Since the age of eleven, I’ve felt that...
Business Branding is a Win/Win

Business Branding is a Win/Win

An Explanation of Branding Branding is the art of making a company stand out from others and become known for a product, line of products, service or business. Branding takes time and is accomplished by way of target marketing, social media, graphics, advertisements...
An E-commerce Website

An E-commerce Website

Starting an e-commerce website is a big step for your business. To ensure its success, due diligence is needed. Here are some steps to help guide you through the world of E-commerce: Products and Descriptions The first thing you want to figure out is what you will be...
Business Funding- How to Get it and Where to Find it

Business Funding- How to Get it and Where to Find it

Capital is an essential aspect to any business. Money is needed in all areas in order to grow at an even pace- even in startup and sole proprietor companies. If you’re a new business and are finding it difficult to solicit funding for your company, below are some...
The Motherland Connection The Next Frontier

The Motherland Connection The Next Frontier

Being an Afrocentric entrepreneur isn’t easy. To be efficacious as a business owner, period, requires dedication, hard work, and a strong backbone. You will often hear ‘you can’t’ and be questioned, even from family and friends as to why you don’t just get a ‘regular...